Despite the doom and gloom of the post boom period and current financial crisis – now is a very good time to be investing in VC.
The top 10% of European VCs return their investors an average 3x, if you’re an investor, this promises a great return.
The 2012 Venture Capital Forum will explore the European VC industry in a global context and help you find out why investors will look back at this decade as one of the best ever in VC.

Join this year’s far more interactive programme with leading LPs, GPs, Entrepreneurs, Academics and commentators, including:

• Richard Pelly, European Investment Fund (EIF)
• Gary Dushnitsky, London Business School
• Oliver Gottschalg, HEC
• Terry McGuire, Polaris Venture Partners
• Nils Rode, Managing Director - Co-Head of Investment Management, Adveq
Management AG
• Sev Vettivetpillai, Executive Chairman, Aureos Advisers Limited

But that’s not all, with more time set aside for networking, a welcome dinner and an easygoing atmosphere, this year’s Venture Capital Forum is a must for all VCs, LPs, Entrepreneurs and other stakeholders serious about European Venture.

See you in Amsterdam!

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